Meet Your Host

I'm Melanie your host at The Peerie Neuk. I'm from Unst and live and work right next door to the Peerie Neuk. I run my soap, skincare and candle business from the workshop next to the tiny house. I started MELLA in 2016 after spending many years studing and working all over the world. I spent most of my time living and working in the Spanish Basque Country near to the city of Bilbao. I have just become an Airbnb Superhost and pride myself on being a welcoming and professional host who is always there but repects your privacy and space while on holiday in the Peerie Neuk.
The Peerie Neuk was designed and built by Al Whitworth on his croft in the village of Skerray in Sutherland. I had seen Al's first tiny home, which he built for a client in Shetland, a few years ago and decided that I had to have one!
What I love about Al's design is that it is made from completely sustainable materials and is 99.9% plastic free. The only plastic used is a membrane used between the roof sheets and the insulation, which is sheep's wool by the way! It is made with locally sourced timber and quality materials designed to last a lifetime. If you would like to see more of Al and Aurore's work visit their website The Wild Croft.
I also want to provide unique, quality and affordable accommodation for single travellers, couples and families who want to stay in their own place but don't want to rent a place suitable for six or more people for a week at a time. Hopefully, the Peerie Neuk fills that gap and visitors feel like they are staying in a special tiny house with ALL the comforts of home.